Poster Presentation 2015 at UAP Pharmacy Department


"Pharma Science Society"- the science club of Department of Pharmacy, University of Asia Pacific (UAP) arranged their 1stIntra Department poster presentation the Pharmacy Auditorium on 28th June 2015.

The aim of the event was to provide the opportunity to display some important and up-to-date scientific information regarding pharmaceutical science and to express the inner talent of the pharmacy students of all the semesters of UAP.

The event was inaugurated by Prof. Dr. M. R. Kabir, Pro Vice Chancellor, UAP. In his speech, appreciated the efforts and wished that this participation will help the students to present research articles in a poster format in international conference.

Head, Department of Pharmacy Prof. Dr. Mohiuddin Ahmed Bhuiyan and all the faculty members were also present in the program.
A total of 27 posters were presented by the students illustrating the different achievements and inventions happening round the world. The display was remained open from 10 am to 4 pm.

The award giving ceremony took place on the same day at 4pm. Prof. Dr. Mohiuddin Ahmed Bhuiyan, Head of Pharmacy Department handed over the prizes to winners.

In his speech, he expressed his heartiest congratulation to all the selected participants and encouraged this type of program.